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Starting My Own Blog as a Christian Fiction Reader, Reviewer, and Writer

Hannah Leake

Hi there and welcome to my new book blog, "Nook of Grace"

Defined, a nook is: "a corner or recess, especially one offering seclusion or security.

I have created this blog to give readers a safe space to read book recommendations, reviews, maybe even tidbits from my own work! I want them to be comfortable here, discussing books, and quotes, and authors.

I am a dedicated reader, reviewer, and up and coming author. I have loved reading since I was a small child. Even now, my bookshelf is cluttered with wayyy too many books, but I can't seem to put them down.

Reading is my safe space, my nook away from this crazy world that we live in, and I hope it will become yours.

Have a blessed day, and enjoy your book!

Hannah Grace- Reader,Writer, Reviewer


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