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Starting from Chapter One

Hannah Leake

Hi everyone. Today I want to talk a little bit about the first chapter of a novel, from both a reader, and a writers perspective.

What's the first thing you do when you read a book, besides the back cover? The first chaper, or maybe a prologue, right? Sometime in that first chapter is where you'll decide if this is a book that you will see yourself loving, or you may decide to put it down and never pick it up again. When you start a book, it is crucial to draw the reader in, whether by loveable, relatable characters, an epic action scene, a terrible heartbreak, or all three.

As a writer, this is your ground zero. This is what could make or break how well your book with be accepted by readers worldwide. What is your key to perfecting the brilliant opening chapter? Do you open with a mystery, a cliffhanger, or do you start gently, leaving the readers with a longing to know what's next?

Readers, what is your favorite way to start a new book? Are you ready to begin hanging on through a roller coaster of emotions on the first page? To hang onto your seats out of suspense? Or do you prefer a gentler intoduction, leading you to meet fall in love with the characters.

Check out my forum page and let me know which side of the spectrum you are on! Personally, I love a little bit of both. I love to learn about my characters, while also being given a small taste of the suspence and mystery to come. All in all, I want a first chapter that draws me in, and

that beckons me to continue on to chapter two!

So here's a small excerpt from my first chapter about my main character in my book "Finding Mr. Wright"

Eliza Stewart knelt in the little garden, her special quiet place away from the world of worry, hardship, and sadness. She felt more alive there, with her little sprouts, then she did anywhere else in the world. 

She slowly stretched her back as she lifted a hand to her brow to wipe the sweat that lingered there. Pushing away the wisps of raven black hair that had escaped from her long braid, she peered towards the midday sun.

  “Almost noon,” she spoke quietly, wishing the minutes would stop dragging on the day.

Although she loved her little garden dearly, weeding it was a most tedious and backbreaking chore, and the hot sun beating down on her bare head only served to make it worse. Eliza knew she should have worn her bonnet, Mama had always rebuked her for not keeping it on.

Feel free to post any comments or thoughts on my forum post marked "Starting from Chapter One"

Have a blessed day y'all and keep reading!

Hannah Grace- Reader, Writer, Reviewer

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